Unconference 2022: Communities Leading Change

logo image with dates and slogan: Communities Leading Change

Recordings for the 2022 Unconference will be made available here as they are available! If you are needing specific recordings, please contact allison@lourash.com

Opening Plenary

Exploring Rural Communities

Playing Together, Build Community!

Collecting, analyzing, and giving back community data

Community of Practice and Beyond

ABCDE: Centering Equity in Community Development Efforts

The Intersectionality of ABCD and Trauma Informed Practices

Crash Course in Inclusive Traditional Storytelling

Building on Abundance in Indigenous Communities

Measuring the Unmeasurable: Evaluating Social Impact

Key Ingredients of Neighboring


Community Music as a tool in Community Building

The Sweet Art of Neighboring

ABCD within the hearing-impaired community

Youth and Children leading change for gender equality

Crash Course in Indigenous Storytelling

Community-centered and asset-based approach: key principles for CSO support to communities

ABCD and Khula Stockfellas


How do ACCA online Well Grounded practitioners engage communities in ABCD? (in French)

The Well Grounded programme on the Community Centred and Asset Based Approach: the harvest of our experimental journey (French)



The Story of Belonging Brant- So far

ABCD & Agroecology

Antigonight: Facilitating Community Connectedness Through Arts Engagement

Reclaiming the Assets of People and Land coming out of Occupation (Timor-Leste)

Siya Sonke: Lessons Learned about the Unlearning

Simulation Games for Community Participation

Share Your Skill


Closing Plenary


Additional Resources